October 13, 2021

The Finnish Film Affair is delighted to announce a new residency programme, organised and developed with the Academy of Moving People and Images (AMPI). As part of the pilot, FFA is providing an industry residency scheme for a promising filmmaker from AMPI alumni. This unique residency opportunity offers the participant a chance to develop industry-related skills as well as to showcase their talent during the 10th Finnish Film Affair.

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For the first time, the Moving People and Images Award (the MPI Award) will be granted to a filmmaker whose work emphasizes diversity and inclusion.

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July 5, 2021

“We took the opportunity to speak to Erol Mintaş, founder and artistic director of the Academy of Moving People and Images (AMPI). The non-institutional academy, based in Helsinki, represents a commendable educational effort to make the film industry more inclusive. We found out more about the AMPI’s activities during our chat with the Kurdish filmmaker.” Davide Abbatescianni

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April 13, 2021

The Academy of Moving People & Images announcing its third generation! AMPI’s third open call was launched on December 21st, 2020. The open call lasted until January 31st, 2021. We received many wonderful applications, we shortlisted 22 people for the interview and eventually chose 9 to participate in AMPI’s 2021 & 2022 program. We are

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January 20, 2021
/ press release

The wait is over! Today we’re ready to share our Open Call. AMPI is now seeking 8 new participants for its two-year filmmaking program, the years 2021-2022.

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December 4, 2020
/ kelaamo

but since there are so many interesting future filmmakers to talk to, Kelaamo ended up doing a group interview. Everyone asked a fellow participant a question and answered a question asked by someone else.

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October 20, 2020

We talked with filmmaker Erol Mintaş, Founder and Artistic Director of AMPI, and Fiona Musanga and Shahi Derky, who are both alumni of AMPI.

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January 30, 2020
/ participants for the year 2020

The second open call for the Academy of Moving people & Images was launched in October 2019 and lasted until the end of December. We received many wonderful applications, out of which we shortlisted 30 people for the interview and eventually chose 10 to participate in AMPI’s 2020 program. We are grateful for the time

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October 15, 2019

Academy of Moving People and Images is a platform in Helsinki for mobile people – those who have arrived in Finland for different reasons, be they immigrants, asylum seekers, students, or employees. AMPI’s aim is to design a new learning model and a sustainable pedagogical platform where people from different backgrounds are able to contribute to the film industry and initiate change. AMPI is now seeking 12 new participants for the year 2020.

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June 24, 2019

AMPI Advanced consists of 4 workshops supported by AVEK. The workshops are meant for the further training of mobile people who already have experience with filmmaking. These workshops will take place parallel to our main one year program. Each workshop’s duration is one week only. The first two workshops will take place in November 2019;

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May 9, 2019

Wenn wir an die westliche Filmindustrie denken, kommt uns wahrscheinlich zuerst Hollywood in den Sinn – berühmte Regisseure, junggebliebene Schauspielerinnen, riesige Firmen, einzigartige Produktionsräume und exklusive Clubs. Und auf den zweiten Blick fällt auf, wie wenig abwechslungsreich diese Szene zu sein scheint. Die immer gleichen Gesichter in den immer gleichen Geschichten – wo bleibt das Neue, das Unerwartete, das Überraschende? Wo ist die Sehnsucht hin, die Leidenschaft, die Neugier, die Risikobereitschaft und der kreative Mut? Und warum wird im Film nicht unsere Gesellschaft in all ihrer Vielfalt und ihrer Widersprüchlichkeit präsentiert?

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March 19, 2019

The first open call for the Academy of Moving people & Images was launched in January 2019 and lasted until the end of February. We received over 100 wonderful applications from thoughtful beings, out of which we shortlisted 36 people for the interview and eventually chose 12 to participate in AMPI’s 2019 program. We were surprised by the amount of motivated and strong applications and we are grateful for the time and energy dedicated by each applicant to this open call.

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February 18, 2019

Vuoden alussa Helsingissä on aloittanut uusi Koneen Säätiön rahoittama liikkuva elokuva-akatemia The Academy of Moving people and Images. Akatemia luo alustan ihmisille, jotka ovat saapuneet Suomeen eri syistä: maahanmuuttajina, turvapaikanhakijoina, opiskelijoina tai töiden vuoksi. Akatemian tavoitteena on antaa opiskelijoille elokuvantekemisen taidot ja työkalut. Kaksivuotisen hankkeen on tarkoitus myös vaikuttaa suomalaisen elokuvatuotannon moniarvoistumiseen

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February 12, 2019

The Interview with Academy of Moving People & Images artistic-director Erol Mintaş and curator Elham Rahmati took place in an unplanned café somewhere in Helsinki. The new school is free of charge and open to all “mobile people”. The next deadline for application is on the 28th of February. By Hami Bahadori 31.01.2019

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January 29, 2019

Uskon elokuvaan, jossa ei tarvita henkilöllisyystodistuksia”, sanoo turkkilaissyntyinen elokuvaohjaaja Erol Mintaş. ”Haluan nähdä elokuvateollisuuden, jossa ihmisiä ei arvioida heidän etnisen taustansa tai oleskelulupansa perusteella, vaan keskitytään heidän osaamiseensa ja tarinoihin, joita heillä on kerrottavana.”

Tähän visioon nojaa Helsingissä keväällä aloittava The Academy of Moving People & Images -elokuvakoulu, jota Mintaş johtaa. Kyseessä on Koneen säätiön rahoittama kaksivuotinen projekti, joka tarjoaa vähemmistöille ja Suomeen eri syistä tulleille ihmisille väylän päästä mukaan elokuvatuotantoihin. Tavoitteena on, että lukuvuoden päätteeksi opiskelijoilla on hyvät edellytykset työskennellä eri tehtävissä elokuva-alalla. Koulussa tuotettuja elokuvia pyritään myös saamaan festivaalien ohjelmistoihin

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