A three-day workshop on Producing with Mete Sasioglu took place in on 18-20th April at Globe Art Point.
The tworkshop focuses on creative production and the different stages of feature film production. The subject is approached through a film adaptation. All participants read a novel before the workshop. Topics of the workshop are finding essential things from the source material, collaboration with an author, budgeting and financing, establishing an international co-production, building a marketing plan, distribution and launching the film at an international film festival. The workshop is hosted by lecturer Mete Sasioglu from production company Sons of Lumière. The guest lecturers are Ville Jankeri (freelance director and writer), Ilona Tolmunen (Producer, Made), Katarina Nyman (Director of Film Distribution, Nordisk Film Finland) and Nadir Öperli (Producer, Liman Film)
Mariia Solodiankina, Imaneh Ameli, Mariangela Pluchino, Roxana Sadvokassova
Link to documentation by Riband Saadallah https://www.flickr.com/photos/academyofmovingpeopleandimages/albums/72177720306537753